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Who is this program for?

When is the best time to begin?

Anyone inspired to transform and make a lasting shift in their lives. We focus on awakening from within, and that requires a base level of understanding and commitment. The core desire to awaken needs to already be there. The program is marketed primarily for women, but really, men have applied these practices as well, and have come to me with success stories. These teachings are universal. So, if you're an entrepreneur or employee, a CEO or hope to move up in your career, this program will be an epic experience for you.

Today. As soon as possible. There’s no time like the present. All it takes is one day. It doesn’t have to be a life-changing, traumatic moment, it just takes YOU to decide that it’s the moment you want to upgrade. It takes a commitment to yourself – inside. That’s it. Life is precious and incredibly sacred. Don’t wait another second. 


Once you pay for the program, you'll begin receiving information and content before it opens August 27/21.

How long does the program take?

Do we get to speak to you personally, Pamela?

Seven (7)  weeks. Each week you will receive a new module with an accompanying video and audio. It's human nature to want to go through everything at the same time, but it will be a disservice if you consumed everything without savouring the content that will come to you each week. It also give you a chance to work at reasonable pace. By the end of 7 weeks you will have the entire program at your fingertips. 

I personally answer all my emails, blog comments and social medial. I do my best to be accessible to all my tribe members. But I do hope you understand that I have to switch off sometimes too. So there may be a delay but I promise to get back to you in less than 24 hours. 

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